Health and Wellbeing
Post-16 study can be challenging for many different reasons, both physically and emotionally. Here at the College we have a professionally qualified, award-winning team who provide different aspects of wellbeing support to the College community. The team is made up of a Health and Wellbeing Coordinator, the College Nurses and the Counselling team.
Kirsten Halvorsen and Catherine Hichens are both Registered General Nurses who provide emergency care for medical problems that arise during the College day. They also promote health education within the College and are both trained in mental health first aid. Kirsten and Catherine are there to support you throughout your time at the College.
You should let the Nurses know if you have any medical conditions that need either regular or occasional treatment.
If you are taken ill during the College day, you must report to the College Nurses or a member of the Student Services team before you go home.
Here at the College, we offer free and confidential counselling for all students. We ask students to self-refer through the daily drop-in sessions available each day at 9:00am and 12:30pm in the Wellbeing Centre in Bagnall building.
More information is available on the College website here, or you can contact the counselling team via email on
Dispensing of Medication
In an emergency, and provided parents/guardians have agreed, you can obtain over the counter medications such as paracetamol from the College Nurses. The dispensing of medication will be at the Nurses' discretion and they are bound by the Nursing and Midwifery Council’s Code of Conduct.
In line with an increasing number of Colleges and employers, smoking (including E-cigarettes) is prohibited except in a small designated area at the College. You are accepted into the College on the understanding that you will not smoke in any other area of the site or in the surrounding area of the College. Also, you may not smoke in a car which is parked on the College site.
Failure to comply with these regulations will be treated as misconduct under the College disciplinary procedures.
If you have any concerns or would like to discuss anything relating to your health or wellbeing, please contact Kirsten Halvorsen by email on