

Enrichment is for everyone - you do not need to be studying a similar subject to join in! Enrichment gives you the chance to develop existing interests, like sport or music, or try out new and exciting ones, such as musical theatre or Duke of Edinburgh

Whatever you choose to support your academic programme, you will be enhancing your learning, developing new skills and adding a distinct dimension to your CV. Enrichment is also a fantastic way to meet new people and immerse yourself in College life.  

We strongly encourage every student to sign up for an enrichment. Some of our well-established timetabled enrichments are listed below. You will be able to sign up for these (and more!) during Enrolment.

When you start selecting your enrichment options during Enrolment, you may see that some enrichments are not available for you to select - this is because these enrichments take place at the same time so it is not possible to do both.

Duke of Edinburgh

The College is pleased to offer both the Silver and Gold Duke of Edinburgh Awards (DofE). 

DofE is about developing transferable skills in teamwork and communication. The programme helps  encourage young people to have a positive impact on their local community. If you are brand new to DofE, then please spend some time browsing www.dofe.org to decide if it’s right for you.


DofE is designed to be challenging, most students gain a lot from taking part and have a lot of fun!


Because timetables are created at the start of the academic year, it’s important that if you do want to do DofE with us, you get your sign up at Enrolment correct. There’s a high chance it won’t be possible to add DofE to your timetable if you change your mind after you have enrolled.

If you want to take part in DofE, make sure you sign up during Enrolment - please don't forget!


The Music department offers an unrivalled number of outstanding enrichment opportunities. These are available to all students and cater for all musical tastes, instruments and abilities. Some of the enrichment groups include Big Band, Contemporary Voices, Chamber Orchestra and many more.

You can find out more about music enrichment here

If you want to take part in Music enrichment, you must sign up during Enrolment - please make a note of this so you don't forget!

Performing Arts AND DRAMA

Performing Arts and Drama enrichment offers an opportunity for those that do not take a performance subject to get involved, and for those that do to deepen and extend their skills and experiences. Some of the Performing Arts and Drama enrichment groups include Flexi-Crew, Prospect Theatre Company and many more.

You can find out more about performing arts and drama enrichment here.

If you want to take part in Performing Arts and Drama enrichment, you must sign up during Enrolment - please make a note of this so you don't forget!


Here at the College, we pride ourselves in providing high quality competitive sport, with students competing and excelling at county, regional and national level. Some of the Sports enrichment groups include rugby, football, netball and many more.  

You can find out more about sports enrichment here.

You were asked to sign up for Sports enrichment trials when you were emailed about attending Getting Ready. 

Trials information with a Google form to complete for all sports has been emailed to all applicants and we look forward to seeing you on 2 and 4 July 2024.  Please look out for more information before the trials take place.  If you have any questions with regards to sports trials or any competitive sports, please email sportstrials@farnborough.ac.uk. 


At Farnborough, we have been entering the British Esports Student Championships since 2019, and we currently compete in Rocket League, League of Legends, Overwatch 2 and Valorant.

We have a strong record and will be holding tryouts at the start of the term in September to fill our rosters with the best possible players for the year ahead.

Matches are on Wednesdays after college, from 4:15-5:45, and we play from our Media IT suites at college.

We also have a student-led esports society for more casual gaming and socials, if you're not interested in competing or don't get onto the teams.

Keep an eye on your emails at the start of the autumn term for more information.


There are also a vast array of clubs and societies which are run by students and staff - these include (but are certainly not limited to):

Medical Society   Gender & Sexuality Alliance   Debating Society   Knitting and Crochet Club   Japanese Society

Politics Society     Creative Writing Society     Chess Club   Feminist Society   Christian Union     Biology Society